Search results for: Motor Garage Goods

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Motor Garage Goods Custom Yamaha SR400

As long as passionate men like Hiro are out there, creations like this custom Yamaha SR400 will keep appearing on Moto Rivista. Built by...

Royal Enfield Bullet 350 by Motor Garage Goods

Throughout the course of history many motorcycle models have evolved or changed due to the nature of survival. But the Royal Enfield Bullet 350...

Yamaha SR400 by Motor Garage Goods

What do you think when you first see this bike? I am sure most of you will easily spot this as being a tastefully...

Yamaha SR400 Neo Cafe Racer by Motor Garage Goods

Recently we featured for the first time an amazing Kawasaki W3 from Motor Garage Goods, Japan. What we also discovered was they have an...

Kawasaki W3 by Motor Garage Goods

Whilst we know a lot about the amazing custom motorbike builders from America and Europe,  there is another nation which has a great influence...

Custom Kawasaki 250TR Japan

Our Japanese friend Hiro & the guys at Motor Garage Goods have added a custom Kawasaki 250TR transformation to their portfolio. The dual-purpose Kawasaki 250TR...

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