HomeCustom Motorcycle Articles'Union' winner of 2011 AMD World Championship

‘Union’ winner of 2011 AMD World Championship

Italy’s own Abnormal Cycles were jumping for joy when their ‘Union’ took out the 2011 AMD World Championships Modified Harley-Davidson Class.

What makes this even more exciting is they also go down in history as the first ever side-car combination to enter the championships. Based in Brianza near Milan, Samuele Reali and his team are quite famous in Europe for their restoration work.

The build of the Union started with a rare combination of a Harley-Davidson 1942 Flathead U74 and a rare 1956 Side-car. The condition of the 1942 Harley-Davidson model U74 was pretty average, the V-twin side-valve engine was heavily rebuilt and restored with original parts. The ‘Union’ features a 1942 Harley-Davidson frame, which has been fitted with a 1956 custom sidecar body and a leaf spring Indian style front end. The handlebars have been designed to look like a leaf spring.

The woodwork on the Sidecar is the magic of Davide Aresi, an expert of refreshing old art. The Union rolls on 18-inch front and rear JoNich wheels, wrapped in 1958 Italian Ceat tires and brakes from Kustom Tech. The incredible paint job on this bike is by Luca Zuchelli, the Union’s bodywork was hand covered in 3000 titanium leafs, 20 coats of clear and finished with the Candy black coat.

Here’s a short video (click here) from Abnormal Cycles showing the Union in action.

Lastly a big Congratulations to Samueli Reali and the team from Abnormal Cycles for building such an impressive Motorcycle with Side-car!

Manu Dubey
Manu Dubeyhttp://motorivista.com
Founder and Chief Editor at Moto Rivista. When he isn’t editing articles for Moto Rivista he is working as a User Experience Strategist. Passionate about two wheels since childhood, plans on building his own motorcycle soon!

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