Cold Dead Fingers | Icon

They call it “Cold Dead Fingers”. Another great motorbike from Icon. The Icon garage is a very busy place, a constant flow of motorcycles in various stages of life roll through their doors.

It’s no secret that the Icon Garage team has a soft spot for Sportsters.

Design Director Kurt Walter describes their latest project – the ‘Cold Dead Fingers’.

Cold Dead Fingers 5‘What do get when you cross huge sums of horsepower with swiss watch reliability? We’re not sure, but it definitely isn’t Cold Dead Fingers. Fingers is more like an unholy mash up between early Lynrd Skynrd, a Taurus® Judge™ and a aluminum bass boat. You know – not that much power, not very comfortable, and of questionable practicality – but she can catch, clean & cook a mean catfish. Yeah, Fingers is a lot like that’

Cold Dead Fingers 3She’s powered by the high water mark of HD engineering – the 1972 Ironhead Sportster. A kick only, right hand shift, 1000cc double-lunged homage to the American dream. Equally at home on a post war interstate or blue groove oval, she defies your petty classifications. Upgraded to period correct competition standards – R6 forks, Kawi wheels, unknown rotor and the finest Kenda meats $60 will buy – she stands ready to enact the mercy rule on any would be doubters. Straight from an era defined by easy love, greasy locks, and piles of blow – you’re welcome to take her for a ride if you can pry her from our Cold Dead Fingers.

Dev D
Dev D
By day he is a Project Lead at Syntel Inc., by night a contributing editor at Moto Rivista. The young gun of the team, likes anything that goes fast!

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