Search results for: steel bent customs

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Custom Honda CB500 Cafe Brat by Steel Bent Customs

The economy has been pretty tough around the world but that doesn't stop a custom craving, people will always try to find a way...

Honda CB550 Super Sport by Steel Bent Customs

Steel Bent Customs have done it again with their latest bike 'Clockwork Orange' a Honda CB550 Super Sport. This bike has just been sold...

Honda CB550 Cafe Racer by Steel Bent Customs

We did our first feature a  1975 Honda CB400F from Steel Bent Customs a few weeks ago, we were lucky enough to discover these...

1975 Honda CB400F | Steel Bent Customs

Dan Rodriguez and Michael Mundy are the co-founders of Steel Bent Customs, Tampa Florida. We spotted this beauty the 1975 Honda CB400F Cafe Flat-Track...

Custom Honda CB900F by Chappell Customs

Not long ago Chappell Customs amazed us with their custom Yamaha XS650 Café Racer. The brothers are back on Moto Rivista with their tastefully...

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