HomeMotorcycle Videos Born-Free 5 Invited Builder Series

Born-Free 5 Invited Builder Series

Big Scott Stopnik of the Cycle Zombies family in Huntington Beach, California is one of the invited motorcycle builders of the 2013 Born-Free 5 Vintage Chopper and Classic Cycle Show which will be held June 29, 2013 in Orange County, California at Oak Canyon Ranch.

Scott is one of 32 builders to debut and showcase their take on today’s custom motorcycles. You have the chance to win the Harley Knucklehead they are building! The show is free to ride or walk into and is about the love of old motorcycles.

Married to the Chief Editor and the only lady at Moto Rivista. When she’s not running around after the kids she is the bounty hunter at Moto Rivista, searching the world for the most talented and interesting custom motorcycle builders!

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