Bat Outta Hell – Los Muertos Motorcycles


Annually in September Los Muertos Motorcycles takes a trip to The Kalahari Desert Speed week. Held on Hakskeenpan, Northern Cape, South Africa the Desert speed trials are for any type of vehicle .

This video ‘Bat Outta Hell’ was filmed and ridden by the Los Muertos Motorcycles 2013 Speedweek Crew.
Created and edited by Ian van Heerden @ Wicked Pixels
Soundrack: Nine Inch Nails – 24 Ghosts III

Also read the feature article on the BMW R100RT Desert sled featured in this video.


SOURCELos Muertos Motorcycles
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Married to the Chief Editor and the only lady at Moto Rivista. When she’s not running around after the kids she is the bounty hunter at Moto Rivista, searching the world for the most talented and interesting custom motorcycle builders!